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Membership being renewed too early.

Hi all, I'm having a problem with my membership, in particular the data allowance, being renewed too early. I was dealing with 48 customer service , Ben, on Saturday, via the live chat option. I told him that my membership, ( info obtained from the mobile data usage setting on my phone), was renewed on December 5th at 09:45am, INSTEAD OF, 11:59pm as per 48's renewal text message. He told me that it was a fault in the system and that according to his systems (both of them), that my plan wasn't due to renew until the aforementioned 11:59pm. He suggested that my membership would update itself correctly last night ( again at the aforementioned time of 11:59 ). IT DIDN'T! As I said to Ben, if I was a little more cynical in my nature, I might think that 48 were deliberately shaving off time from the membership plans in order to increase profits???? I have since been in touch with Conor (twice) via email, who kindly asked me to produce proof of the above, even though I haven't asked for any reimbursement, just that the situation be sorted. Has anyone else noticed something similar? Dok
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